FAQ Libéma Open
01. How can I order tickets for the wheelchair grandstand?
Tickets for the disabled grandstand can be ordered by telephone from our ticket partner on 0900-1353 (or 0031 88 011 2610 from abroad).
02. What are the ticket prices for Libema Open? And where can I order tickets?
Online: More information about ticket prices can be found on our website under ‘tickets’.
By phone: 0900-1353 (or 0031 88 011 2610 from abroad).
03. Are there tickets available at the box office?
Yes, you can buy tickets at the box office in the entrance hall. Note: It is possible that it is sold out. Tip: buy your tickets online. Easy and fast.
04. Can I also order a passe partout?
Yes, it is possible to order a passe partout via info@libema-events.nl.
05. Is my ticket only valid for the center court?
06. Where can I order tickets for the Kidsday?
Kidsday tickets can be ordered via our website under the heading ‘tickets’.
07. What is there to do at a Kidsday?
08. What is the address of Libéma Open?
Graafsebaan 133
5248 NL Rosmalen
09. What time do the matches start? And what time do all the matches end?
10. Which side is the referee’s chair on?
The referee’s chair on the center court is on the C side.
11. Can I leave the event in between?
Yes this is possible. Make sure you have your ticket scanned when you leave the event.
12. How do I know which player is playing when during the tournament?
13. I am interested in renting a booth. Where can I find this information?
It is possible to rent a stand during Libéma Open to present your products.
We would like to receive more information about your products via info@libema-events.nl
14. Are pets allowed during the tournament?
Unfortunately, pets are not allowed at Libéma Open.
Theft and Loss:
Visitors are responsible for their own belongings. The organization cannot be held liable for theft, destruction and/or loss of items. The organization advises not to bring valuables to the event and/or leave them in the car.
Check bags
A bag check can take place at the entrance.