7 - 15 June 2025
Autotron 's-Hertogenbosch

7 - 15 June 2025 | Autotron 's-Hertogenbosch

Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files of letters and numbers that a website you visit stores on your computer. These cookies store information regarding your use of the website and sometimes follow this information. A number of the used cookies on this website are only saved during your web session on this website and expire when you close your browser. Other cookies stay in use for a longer  period, for instance, when login details must be remembered for your next visit to this website.

Why use cookies?

This website uses cookies to improve the quality of the website, to improve your experience and to provide you with better services. With cookies we can control the use of and analyse  the website. The cookies that are used on this website are explained below and based on the “International Chamber of Commerce guide for cookie categories”.

Strictly necessary cookies are essential to ensure that the site works and offer you the possibility to use the essential functions of the website.

The essential functions of the website require this type of cookies for the correct operation of the website and to enable you to navigate and use all its possibilities. Strictly necessary cookies can, for instance, also check if you are logged in and enable you to visit the secure areas of the website. If you do not want to accept these cookies, you will not have access (or access to certain zones of the website) to the website and functionalities of the website will be affected.

The following table shows the strictly necessary cookies of this website:  

  • WordPress
  • YouTube

Functionality cookies

Functionality cookies offer you a better functionality of the website by enabling us to remember your choices on the website in order to improve your future visits to the website.

Functionality cookies on the website offer you an improved functionality of the website and give us the possibility to remember your username and password for future visits and to identify you as a returning visitor by using a unique identifier.  

These cookies can provide information to our partners so they can offer their services on our website. The shared information is only used to offer the service, the product or function and nothing else.

Functionality cookies also provide the functionality of social media networks on this website to promote or share pages on social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. When you click on a social media button, your personal info will be processed by the relevant social media service. Please read the privacy policy of the relevant social media service how they handle your personal data.

The following table shows the functionality cookies of this website:  

  • WordPress
  • YouTube

Cookies based on targets/interests & cookies for sharing information with third parties

These cookies collect information on the browsing behaviour of the user and refine your browsing experience on the website. This type of cookies can be placed by the owner of the website or by the advertising networks of third parties.

These cookies remember the user’s visit to the website and this information is shared with other organisations like advertisers. These organisations offer you more targeted adverts that could be more relevant to you and your interests. Often these cookies are connected to the functionality of the website offered by the other organisation.

This type of cookies on the website exclusively collects information by including a reference to the IP-address you use. This information is used to inform you about products and/or services that could be of importance to you. These cookies can also inform advertising agencies about your visit, so they can show adverts that could be interesting for you. You can find more information on this type of on  interest based adverts and how to switch off this function here:

http://www.consumentenbond.nl/internet-privacy/extra/wat-zijn-cookies/ and  http://www.consumentenbond.nl/internet-privacy/extra/cookies-verwijderen/

The following table shows the cookies on this website that are based on targets/interests & on sharing information with third parties.:  

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Doubleclick
  • Google Adwords
  • Google Dynamic Remarketing
  • Google Tag Manager
  • WordPress Stats
  • Eloqua

Please read the privacy policy of the relevant provider of these cookies  how they handle your personal data. Google: http://www.google.com/intl/nl/policies/technologies/ads/, Eloqua by Oracle http://www.oracle.com/us/legal/privacy/privacy-policy/index.html and for  WordPress stats https://wordpress.org/about/privacy/.

Managing your cookie preferences

Some cookies used by the website are provided by the website, and others are provided by third parties who offer services on behalf of us. You can reject or delete cookies by changing your internet browser settings. More information on cookies and how to block cookies is published on http://www.consumentenbond.nl/internet-privacy/extra/cookies-verwijderen/ However, please remember that rejecting or deleting cookies means that you might not be able to fully use the website.

Additionally third parties can set up web beacons for your use of the website. Web beacons are small are tiny graphics in the content of the website or text emails or newsletters, and are used to track the online movements of web users to find out which pages of the website were visited or which text was especially interesting.

For information on how to do this in the browser of your mobile telephone please refer to your telephone’s manual.

Our terms and conditions will give further details on how we handle personal data that are collected by cookies. Not all information in cookies can identify you.
We constantly seek for better ways to manage your cookie preferences. This cookie policy is subject to change. Changes will be published on the website.